Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Restoration or Replacement

Following a fire or water damage, restoration is beneficial for both the insurance provider and policyholder. However, there may be instances in which replacement is more appropriate and effective.

Consider restoration when:

  • Restoration costs could be less than 60% of replacement costs

  • Restoration is faster and more convenient than replacement

  • Restoration results are satisfactory
Consider replacement when:
  • Replacement is faster and more convenient that restoration

  • Restoration is not successful

  • The insured demands replacement (within reason)
When you are face with damage in your home or business, remember the professionals at ServiceMaster of Portland can help clean up the damage NOT clean out your wallet!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Vacant Homes Beware

Accordingt to USA Today a record 1 in 9 homes are vacant. How many of you or your clients have property on the market and are struggling to get it sold? Homes that are vacant are often not well kept. A vacant home is more susceptible to theft, vandalism, and during the winter, water pipes freezing and breaking. As you know, some insurance coverages expire after a home has been empty for 30 days and in today's market this is not uncommon. Avoid a claim or an unhappy customer that was "never told" what to do with a vacant home and is faced with an uncovered loss. Advise your clients to buy the proper endorsement and take the nessecary precausions to prevent a loss from occuring. If a loss does occur choose a company you trust to clean up the damage: CALL SERVICEMASTER FIRST!